About the Project
For this project assignment, I was challenged to design and develop an entertaining, imaginative game that effectively engaged the intended audience in learning. I wanted to focus on the presentation of the idea and explanation of the gameplay, as well as, how the learning would be assessed for the learner. It should be noted that the project assignment did not require the game to be fully functional.
The resulting digital version of the PowerUP instructional game provides an engaging approach to learning about environmental issues that enhance knowledge, builds critical thinking and helps learners make informed and responsible decisions. Furthermore, I designed the game to inform an interactive global community of how the energy industry works and provide the potential savings attached to it. I designed PowerUp as an instructional game for learners ages 12 and up.
The resulting digital version of the PowerUP instructional game provides an engaging approach to learning about environmental issues that enhance knowledge, builds critical thinking and helps learners make informed and responsible decisions. Furthermore, I designed the game to inform an interactive global community of how the energy industry works and provide the potential savings attached to it. I designed PowerUp as an instructional game for learners ages 12 and up.

In this example of the user setup and login screens, you can identify the intended 3-step process prior to interacting with the game. I designed this 3-step process to collect information, assign members a community and make their initial decisions necessary for gameplay. The darker UI is accentuated by vibrant icons that highlight required information for sign up.

Here are some of the general features of the user interface of the instructional game. The on-screen icons display important information vital to completing the mission and level. I designed the user interface to be within reach of the user's hands when gripping the phone in landscape mode. By tapping on an icon, the user will access visibility of the information pertaining to that icon. If users choose, they may view all information by making a selection in the settings.

The learner will receive daily results from Build-It! activities, daily challenges and energy savings in the form of virtual mail. The real-time results summary should encourage and motivate the learner to actively participate in the game. It was important that I design the game to encourage and motivate the learner to return to the game, this feature produced the most effective results.

Here is an ad campaign for the PowerUP instructional game. I designed the ad campaign to personalize the game concept for potential learners and highlight some of the features of the game.